Apps, websites, and games
See how new zoning laws create new housing in Vancouver, BC. Visualize the development of the city over time and see the effects of the new Residential Inclusive Zone.
ArcGIS, React, TypeScriptPhotos from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day. Save and share your favourite space photos.
Next.js, TypeScriptListen to music together with friends or strangers. Interact through proximity audio and instant messaging.
React, Redis,, Express.js, Node.jsCrowdsourcing platform for datasets. Request data from the community and contribute to open source data!
React, Express.js, CockroachDB, Dropbase API, Node.jsA League of Legends team composition generator. Find the perfect team comp for Clash.
React, Express.js, Riot Games API, Node.jsA marketplace for your music. Upload, sell, and stream music online. Get paid fast with Stripe integration.
MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.jsAI Powered patient management system for doctors. Admit and bill patients under one system.
React, FlaskAndroid app for displaying the latest air quality information from places around the world. 1000+ installs on Google Play.
Java, Android StudioWebsite for FraserHacks 2019 hackathon: a 10 hour hackathon in Mississauga hosted by high school students.
HTML, SCSS, JavaScriptRandomly generated Bingo cards with options to convert to various number systems. Easily output multiple cards and collate into a PDF.
ProcessingKeep track of medications and mental well-being. See the positivity in your day and avoid stress. Made at StarterHacks 2019.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, FlaskDiscord bot helps you create groups based on a desired game and time, get a private message when it's time to play! Submitted to Discord Hack Week 2019.
JavaScript, MongoDBA simple point & click game to test the user's ability to differentiate different shades of the same color.